About Me

I'm a fat girl name Danae (Dani) and this is my journey (or attempt) to losing weight and getting healthier. Yeah, that's me in the picture. Miserable looking fat girl that has a lot of work ahead of her. So many people start blogs in order to get their voice heard, to get clicks and make some money with adverts. Yeah, that isn't me. I'm just here to help encourage others that might be where I am and are trying to get healthier without spending a million dollars doing it. Sometimes encouragement from a foulmouth fat girl might be what they need, and THAT I am more than willing to give.

Remember, this is full of MY opinions since it's my journey. I don't have all the answers. I'm shooting from the hip, free-ballin' in a sense, and trial and error will most likely be my constant companion in this adventure. But, it's what needs to be done.

First, let me start by saying I'm not a diehard anything. I'm a married mother of two that never lost the baby weight (that was over 11 years ago). I work at a sit down, don't move that much, day job. I write full time as well, and that, again, is a sit down don't move that much job. Not only that, but I'm a vampire. Not a sparkling in the sun, shitty taste in women, vampire either. An actual vampire (without the blood lust). I have a rare disorder called Erythropoietic Protoporphyria (EPP). In a nutshell, I'm allergic to the sun. That greatly hinders getting out and doing things that can help lose weight, obviously. It also comes with some pains and difficulties, but I've never allowed it to dictate my life. It's just made it exceptionally hard to get out in the daylight and do stuff that helps in weight loss.

Second, I'm a quitter and control freak (the latter will make sense in a moment). I hate overly complicated and strict anything. All of the fly by night celebrity diets and fads, the BUY THIS, BUY THAT, SUBSCRIBE HERE, PAY ME THERE, doesn't work for me. I want to be able to do whatever it is myself without spending time, money, energy, and effort (okay, I'm a lazy control freak). I want to do it myself without needing a damn PHD in order to do it. From what I've read online, many different sources and firsthand accounts, I like the science behind it. It isn't a fly by night fad, it's been around for a while. Social media causes shit to take off like wildfire, and that causes the BUY ME, GET THIS, PAY ME assholes to pop up. I get it. But I'm not interested in it. Let me control this my own way.

Third, my husband wants me to stick around for as long as possible, thus we're on this journey together. Keep in mind, my husband is 5'4" on a good day and only needs to lose 15 lbs, but if I'm getting healthier so is he (besides, since I cook he eats whatever I make so he's stuck with it). I want his old ass hanging around for as long as possible as well! I love him his short, bitter, old ass some reason.

Finally, I have a lot of friends that have suggested I try Keto (it worked for them!) and because of that firsthand experience, and with their guidance and tried and true recipes, I think it's time I jumped on this bandwagon.

I hate veggies. I have most of the recommended food on the Keto diet list. Just the thought of eating seafood or avocados has my gag-reflex going. (That picture so looks like a still from an amature porno; huh, maybe not the best choice, but whatever)

Now the scary part, the public proclamation of just how far I've fallen in my health.

My starting weight is 265lbs (holy shit balls I got fat!). I'm hoping to lose 100lbs in a year. That's less than 10 lbs a month. My blood pressure is fine, I'm sure I'm starting early onset Type 2 Diabetes (if there is such a thing as early onset Type 2, but it runs in the family), my stomach is a hot mess, and I can't sleep without a handful of pills.

Will Keto help with any of that? Hell if I know, but it could hurt to try, right?

Every day I'll post an update, if anyone cares. It might get graphic, it might disturb you, but for those Fat Girls and Boys that are on this journey as well, know you are not alone. I'm not an expert. I'm not a workout guru that has a perfect smile, rockin' bod, and floods their Instagram feed with tons of pictures of their fucking perfect body and smile.


Not going to happen.

I'm just a regular fat girl that wants to get healthier in order to feel better, stick around longer for my husband and kids, and to like what I see in the mirror again.

So, in the iconic words of someone that I can't remember at the moment, "Let's Rock This Bitch!"


  1. Love you no matter what... Can't wait to see your updates and yummy food!

  2. I am somewhat fond of you no matter what. I have patience to see your updates and somewhat palatable food.

  3. I'm rooting for you! However, I doubt you need to lose 100 lbs. I hope it worke for you if it does I'll probably give it a go also. I'm currently 338lbs I am 6' tall, so I definitely need to lose 100#'s.


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