Day 1

Day 1-

Image may contain: 2 people, closeup
Overhead Camera Angle Rocks!
From what I read, you either go balls deep and don't cheat or you slowly ease into it.

Also from what I've read, the first two weeks are the hardest because your body isn't used to it, you are changing up your diet and lifestyle, in a sense, and there's a shit load of changes on a higher Sci-Fi in the making level.

I have chose to go balls deep in this adventure.

So, a big part of Keto is staying in/getting in Ketosis. To do this, you have to cut sugars out as much as possible. That includes bread, pasta, sweets, simply carbs to put is simply.

According to Diet Doctors  the numbers are net carbs per 100 grams. To remain in ketosis, lower is generally better. The most important thing for reaching ketosis is to avoid eating too many carbs. You'll probably need to keep carb intake under 50 grams per day of net carbs, ideally below 20 grams.

Holy shit balls, Batman!
That's fucking impossible.

Hard but not completely impossible.

Honestly, I felt like I was counting points in a Weight Watcher's commercial. It was horrible and the Angry Midget warned he'd smother me with a pillow if he heard me say GRAMS one more time today.

So, here was DAY 1's adventure.

Breakfast (which was closer to brunch since we slept in)
The Angry Midget and I went to Starbucks. What we usually drink isn't an option for Keto, not at all! Seriously, one of my drinks alone is nearly three-days of grams. We thought it was impossible, I said I'd quit, but with my recent migraine issues the Angry Midget didn't want me to do anything that could cause additional migraines (the last ones really messed with him, most likely it was the puke he had to clean up from ungodly nausea). I busted out with Google to see if there was a way to not go coffee cold turkey.
There was!
Of course it'd require a buttload of modifications and conscious effort to meet the Keto requirements, but where there's a will (and free drinks on our Starbucks card) there's a way!

I found great information here  →Starbucks Keto Drinks  ← that was amazeballs!

So, for breakfast we got modified coffees

Angry Midget -
Coffee 6G
Blueberries 1G
Jimmy Dean Just Add Egg Cup (1 egg, little potato, bacon, and cheddar) 2G

Me -
Coffee 7G
Jimmy Dean Just Add Egg Cup (2 egg, little potato, bacon, and cheddar) 2G

Not too shabby.
No stabbing pains of dying hunger.

Since we ate later in the morning than we usually do, we had an early dinner.

Roasted beets, broccoli, potatoes (we didn't even eat because I undercooked them), carrots, and garlic herb buttered chicken breast.
Most Keto people use chicken thighs because they have more fat, I'm not a fan of dark meat so chicken breast it is. My midget loves beets, as long as I limit him he should be fine.

Here's an interesting veggie guide for Keto-
  • Vegetables growing above ground are low carb and can be eaten freely.
  • Vegetables growing below ground contain more carbs, so you’ll have to be more careful with them (especially potatoes).
We ate more chicken then veggies this time, so it was under 10G per plate.

So far...

Dani 19G
Angry Midget 19G

Then the cravings hit.

I wanted something sweet.
I jumped on Google to see if there was something I could make real fast...
No, no there was not.
Everything requires fucking almond flour.
I don't have almond flour.
Image result for pepsi fountain drinks tea
Feeling the pressure, it was suggested that maybe a Atkin's bar might help without blowing my grams for the day, I went to the store.

None of the Atkins shit looked good.

I wanted ice cream and a giant candy bar! (I'm literally salivating just typing this right now I want one so bad). 
I grabbed a few bags of low carb beef jerky (salt is important in a Keto diet, especially in your first couple of weeks they warn) and 52OZ of Lipton Brisk NO CALORIE NO SUGAR tea. Seriously, this stuff is amazing. Beyond amazing. It helped my sugar craving because it has a sweetish taste, and it was beyond gratifying with the bag of jerky I ate.

Pher had a one as well and a bag of jerky so we're still tied.

Today, day one, we were under 30 Grams each.


I count that as a win in the battle of the fat girl vs the bulge! 


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